Domestic Assault

There are certain crimes that are utterly life-changing. Domestic assault is one of them. Although it is a misdemeanor in Minnesota, a domestic violence conviction can affect every facet of your life, from employment to parenting.

At Sheridan & Dulas, P.A., we have extensive experience representing individuals charged with domestic assault, helping them overcome these devastating charges and regain control over their life.

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About Domestic Violence

Domestic Assault Law in Minnesota

In Minnesota, domestic abuse falls under the subdivision of the assault statute outlined in Minnesota Statute section 609.2242. Domestic assault occurs when a person threatens or intentionally causes fear or physical harm to a family or household member. Household members, in this case, could mean a spouse, children, parents, former spouse, or cohabitant.

No two cases are the same. In some situations, both partners may have played a role in the incident. Verbal arguments frequently accidentally turn into physical altercations. Alcohol or drugs may be involved, or a history of verbal and/or emotional abuse.

While it may seem as though the charges against you are unwarranted or unfair, know that this is no longer a fight between you and your husband, wife, or domestic partner. Rather, this issue is between you and the State of Minnesota. That is where Sheridan & Dulas, P.A. can help.

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What to expect

Life After A Domestic Assault Charge

If you have been charged with domestic assault, one of most immediate things you will likely have to address is that the court is likely to issue a no contact order preventing you from having contact with the other party.   This means you will not likely  be going home following an arrest. Your house, your partner, your kids - all of this may be off-limits following a domestic assault allegation.

While this no contact order is in place your partner may try to call you to see how you are doing. Your kids may want to see you. If you respond or return home at any point, then you risk going to jail. You cannot have any contact - even if the other party initiates it.

At Sheridan & Dulas, P.A., we are committed to helping you take control over your situation and place you in the best position possible to eventually return home to your loved ones.

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The Ramifications of conviction

What Happens If You Are Convicted Of Domestic Assault?

If you are convicted of domestic assault, you could face a permanent criminal record that prevents you from participating in activities with your children, securing employment, or volunteering.

In addition, there are important considerations stemming from federal law relative to domestic assault. For example, individuals convicted of a crime of violence, like domestic assault, are barred from possessing a firearm, even those used for hunting.

Individuals convicted of domestic assault can also be subject to adverse employment consequences, prevented from renting an apartment.

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Let's Fight This Together

An attorney who will advocate for you

The ramifications of a domestic violence conviction are far-reaching and life-long. What you need is an attorney who has handled these types of charges in the past. At Sheridan & Dulas, we have the experience that you need.

We can’t guarantee any particular result, but we can guarantee two things. First, our team will know you better than the prosecutor trying to put you in jail. Second, we will not plead you guilty at the first opportunity. The prosecution wants nothing more than for you to plead guilty as quickly as possible so they can move on to the next case. Our job is to humanize you and provide context to your specific situation. We take a thoughtful approach to our cases and encourage the prosecution to do the same so we can achieve the proper outcome after taking the time to understand you, your family, and what exactly happened in your case. 

At the end of the day, we want to help you get back to your family. We will fight for you and do everything we can to make that happen. Call us today at 651-686-8800 to get started.

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After my positive experience with Mr. Sheridan and your firm, l have no hesitancy in recommending your services to others. I feel so fortunate that a kindly ER nurse steered me in your direction. l will forever be in your debt for all you have done to bring about a better than hoped for resolution to my case. If that nurse hadn’t referred me to your firm, l hesitate to think about how badly this could have played out.

Vanessa B.

They made a very difficult time for me as quick and as painless as possible.


One year ago today, l stepped over a line l thought l would never cross again. It would have been a much, much worse experience without the help, expertise, and guidance provided by Jeff Sheridan and the team at Sheridan & Dulas. Where there was hopelessness, Jeff provided hope. Where there was embarrassment and guilt, Jeff was nonjudgmental and without bias. Where there was fear of the unknown, Jeff provided a calming presence. Where there was a lack of know-how and knowledge on my part, Jeff provided the requisite skill and expertise to navigate the complexities of our legal and judicial system. Where there was great stress and feelings of foreboding, he helped to alleviate that strain. Jeff gave me back a normal life.

Brian J.

Very talented. If you’re facing serious charges you need to be very well represented. Jeff is tenacious.


I retained Mr. Sheridan based on reviews from this very site. Those reviews were not wrong. Through a long drawn-out process he never wavered. He guided me in every aspect of the ordeal. He stuck with me till the end. And in the end, the charges were dismissed due largely I believe cause he never stopped fighting for me. I would recommend Mr. Sheridan to anyone in a heartbeat.


Mr. Sheridan knows his business well, very well. He fought like a pit bull to remove charges and shot holes thru a very shady officer's defense. We walked away with 1 yr probation. Thank You Sir for all you do!

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